2013 Graduates of Bethany Lutheran Church

Bethany Lutheran Church
celebrates the lives of all the lives of those
who have passed before us

We will continue to honor and remember . . .

Linda Rochon
4/5/49 - 1/20/12

Wayne Raiche
2/12/60 - 10/24/12

Wendy Dudenas
7/29/69 - 10/25/12

Grant Ebeling
4/7/83 - 10/26/12

Sunday, October 28

Kids came dressed as a bible character
Filled their treat bags with treats from the trunks of the vehicles in the parking lot
They had a great time carving their own pumpkin
and sharing in all the great food, fun and fellowship

was the theme for Holy Communion Worship on
Sunday, October 14

Special Guest Speaker, Luanne Skrenes
shared her personal experiences from her visit to Tanzania

We sang Praise Songs of Africa
and the Bethany Choir shared
"He Is Mine"  Nuwangoo
in Swahili

"Kashinda kifo, Yesu yu hai, haleluya!"
Our sin forgiving, Jesus is living, Alleluia!

A special offering was taken for the
Tanzanian Dental Mission
Thanks to all who gave to this mission!

The joy of the Lord's love was felt from around the world!
God bless our sisters and brothers in Africa

Bethany rejoiced and was glad in it on Sunday, September 16
worshiping under the tent on the east side lawn with an
with Pastor Kate Schruba

The weather couldn't have been more wonderful!

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were blessed at the 8:45 am Worship Service 
on Sunday, May 27
with Pastor Kate Schruba
and the Bethany Choir
singing "Time for Turning" and "Irish Blessing"
and "America" with a special Memorial Prayer 


Danielle Bjorkman
Norway High School 
(daughter of Dan and Pam Bjorkman)
Danielle is going to Michigan Tech in the fall 
to pursue Pre-Med in Biological Sciences

Ross Moll
Niagara High School
(son of Jeff and Susan Moll)
Ross joined the Wisconsin Air National Guard to be
a firefighter with the 115th Wing in Madison, Wisconsin

Shelby West
Norway High School
(daughter of Jim and Lori West)


Tony Dzik
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Bachelor of Business Administration-Ross School of Business
(son of Paul and Lori Dzik)
Tony graduated with honors and awaits an offer
from a business located in the Lansing, Michigan area

Megan Manier
Northern Michigan University-Secondary English and History Education
(daughter of Duane and Lori Manier)
Megan is currently interviewing and would like to find
 a teaching position in the Lansing, Michigan area

Jessica Manier
Grand Valley State University
(daughter of Duane and Lori Manier)
Jessica graduated with a Masters in 
Public Administration: Nonprofit Management and Leadership
and is currently interviewing

Ryan Moll
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Bachelor of Science in Biology
(son of Jeff and Susan Moll)
Ryan is Staff Sargent in the Weather Flight 
of the 115th Fighter Wing in Madison, Wisconsin
Ryan was awarded the Chancellor's Leadership Award (as pictured)

Kristin Rice
Luther Seminary
(daughter of Bill and Barb Rice)

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8:45 am Sunday, May 13
with Pastor Kate Schruba
and Pastor Tracy Polzin, Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp Director

This special worship service was a unique experience for everyone . . .
singing songs from childhood around the campfire,
playing instruments and guitars around the campfire,
kids reading scripture around the campfire,
hearing about the message of God's love around the campfire
and breaking bread together around the campfire!

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to you, my mother
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dear Lord,

Today is one of those special days, that is especially set aside to honor a VIP, a very important person.  How more important of a person is there, than my very own mother.  Like your mother, Lord Jesus, my mother also unconditionally loves me, accepts me, supports me, honors me, and prays for me without any expectation of anything in return.  How do I know this?  Because, I too, heavenly Father, have been blessed by You, to be a mother.  Now that these years have graced me with experience, I can reflect and understand the special bond of love that I have with my child.  Motherhood is your miraculous way of not only bringing new life into the world, but sustaining a purpose for life through Your unconditional love.  However, one day out of the year is not enough, dear Lord, to begin to thank my mom for all that she is to me.  Please Heavenly Father, give me this day, and every day forward, the opportunity to honor my mother as you have asked me to in your commandments.  Let not the differences I have with my mom, ever destroy our bond and our similarities – especially in knowing you as our Lord and Savior that has taught us and commanded us to love – moms above all, next to you!  Thank you Lord, for my mom, and grant me your gracious gift to one day be just like her.

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to the Norway Clergy Association
for presenting the first annual

Many people from the community came together to share
in an evening of Easter Singspiration
by singing hymns led by Lori Dzik and Jan VanGasse on piano
lyrics were displayed on big screen Powerpoint created by Cheri Fila
Technicians were Ray Anderson, Video and Paul Dzik, Audio

Pr Kate Schruba, Bethany and Calvary Lutheran
Pr Irene White, Grace and Faithorn United Methodist
Pr Jim Danielson, Evangelical Covenant
and Fr Tim Ekaitis, St Mary's and St Barbara's Catholic
led the community event and read scripture

The Choirs of Bethany Lutheran, Grace United Methodist
Evangelical Covenant, St Barbara's Catholic,
and St Mary's Catholic Adult and Youth
sang anthems of Easter Celebration

Refreshments were enjoyed by everyone afterward

A slideshow of the evening is available
by clicking on this link

Many thanks to all who participated and helped
in coming together as a community to share in the
beginning of a new Ecumenical Easter tradition,
celebrating our Lord's love and promise of salvation.

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Bethany and Calvary Lutheran shared together
the journey to the cross with
at Bethany Lutheran Church
with 5:00 pm Wednesday Evening Soup Supper
and 6:00pm Worship
centered around the theme

with personal "walks of faith" testimonials
by members of the congregations
Feb 29 - Hear, O Israel - cancelled due to weather
Mar 7 - With All Your Heart - Orice Walters
Mar 14 - With All Your Soul - Lori Dzik
Mar 21 - With All Your Mind - Lola Johnson
Mar 28 - With All Your Strength - Pr Kate Schruba

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What an awesome turn out of families and kids of all ages for the
Sunday, April 1 Family Night 

We played games
(rawhide pass-a-long and potato race),
hunted for over 300 Easter eggs filled with treats,
and sampled 20 wonderful soups entered in the great


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Bethany and Calvary Lutheran Churches
celebrate the calling of a new pastor . . .


Sunday, March 25


Pictured here are
Bishop Tom Skrenes with Pastor Kate Schruba

and supporting clergy from the community
and Northern Great Lakes Synod

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Rev Mike Laakko

The Bethany Family extends sincere appreciation to Pr Mike Laakko
for serving as Bethany's Interim Pastor for the past 20 months

Thank you for taking us through our difficult times,
helping us in our healing and tending to the needs of our people!

With God's grace, Bethany will now continue
to serve in the ministry of our vision and mission
in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ
with our newly called pastor.

Thank You and May God Bless You Pastor Mike!

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The Bethany Lutheran Choir along with members of the Grace United Methodist Choir
and other special guests under the direction of Lori Dzik,
 provided two beautiful anthems
"O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and "Christmas Glory Hallelujah"
reflective of the Advent and Christmas Season
at the Norway Ecumenical Advent Concert.

Around 350 people from the community attended the event
at St Mary's Catholic Church to prepare for the season of Advent.

Other events included St Mary's Catholic Church Choir,
St Barbara's Catholic Church Choir, Holy Spirit School Singers,
Knight Moves Vocal Jazz Choir and
solos by Chloi Ducharme, Jason Raiche and Tom Gursky.

A special thanks to all who participated and organized
this special annual community event!

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That's what we learned at Family Night
Sunday, November 13th
while making a jar filled with cookie mix for ourselves
and another to share with a neighbor or someone else we know!

We sang songs with Sydney playing the guitar.
We got in a circle and bounced rubber balls off our knees.
We formed a chain and moved a hool-a-hoop down the line.
We created our own jars of cookie mix.
We ate taco's in a bowl.
We had so much fun.
We love Family Night.
We love being together as Jesus special children, young and old!

Come and see . . .

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Rev Tom Wickstrom

You have become such a dear friend to us all

at Bethany Lutheran Church

We appreciate your service and time with us

and wish for you

a warm and restful winter in sunny Florida!

  God Bless You!

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For offering a free workshop, Identity Theft: What you need to know”at Bethany Lutheran Church, on Wednesday, November 2.  Those who attended learned that identity theft can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time.   We found out how identity theft can occur,  received tips to help protect ourselves and what to do if identity theft does happen.

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was celebrated on Sunday, October 23

 Kids dressed as bible characters 

Filled their treat bags with candy during Trunk-or-Treat

turned family members into toilet paper mummies

sucked the life out of life savers on a string

Carved pumpkins to take home

and filled their bellies with BBQ, chili cheese french fries, chips and cupcakes
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Norway Leif Erikson Fall Festival Fun

Peggy Gattra, Diane Gendron, Leslie Randall, Lori Manier, Megan Manier, and Lori Dzik

are pictured here in the food booth selling Pasties, Chili, Soup and Pie-in-a-cup

Proceeds are designated for special missions


Personal Reflection by Lori Manier

Fun, fellowship, laughs, and tears (from the onion peelers) were had with our Grace United Methodist friends making pasties and preparing for the Leif Erikson Fall Festival held on Saturday, October 8th, 2011. Our Bethany/Grace Food Booth was located in the center of the hustle and bustle in the Mike's on Main (formerly Rialto) parking lot.

Sunny skies and 80 plus degree temperatures were welcome on the autumn day by the workers and the whole community, but those factors, along with a later-than-usual parade time, affected our sales a bit. Thanks to our community and, of course, our Bethany/Grace families purchasing the products at the sale plus all of the leftovers, a considerable amount of money was taken in for the homemade and delicious pie-in-a-cup, soup, chili, apple cider, and apple dippers with those proceeds designated for Mission.  The outstanding sales from the pasties is designated for the Crossroads Pavilion Fund .

We want to make sure to send out a big "Thank You" and  pat on the back for all who made donations of groceries, supplies, and product for this fundraiser-- along with those who donated their time, cooking skills, and customer service skills for the preparation and sale.

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at Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp

a personal testimonial by Peggy Gattra 

Another  Women’s Retreat weekend has come and gone, but wont be soon forgotten. The theme for the retreat was Celebrating Whole and Healthy Hearts.  Registration was followed by a wonderful dinner on Friday evening (every dinner I don't have to cook is wonderful).  Much to our surprise, we were told that all of the food served that weekend would be sugar free and high in fiber (thank God we had a bunch of goodies in our cabin).  Actually, the food turned out to be a lot better than any of us expected.  Our pastor for the weekend was Ellie Russey. What a treat she was! We all found her to be extremely  inspiring. Friday night we laughed until we hurt, prayed and shared till our hearts felt like bursting and went to bed feeling blessed.  Saturday our main speaker for the weekend, Dr. James Surrell, talked to us about the book he has written, The SOS Diet. SOS stands for stop only sugar.  It was a real eye opener!  Saturday night after a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs we had evening  vespers led by Pastor Ellie (another totally inspiring message). The evening was ended with a sing-a-long led by Rose and her trusty guitar.  Sunday started with devotions followed by brunch. Our retreat ended with worship and Holy Communion.  The feeling of being filled and ready to serve is the end result of our weekend with God and friends.

I wish I could share it all, but some things you just have to experience for yourself. 
I encourage you to think about coming with us next year . . . you won't regret it!
God bless you all,

Bethany Lutheran Women attending the WELCA Retreat are pictured from left
Sally Borga, Pam Bjorkman, Diane Gendron, Orice Walters, Peggy Gattra, Evie LaCourt, Sue Raiche

 Special Donations by Bethany Lutheran Church benefited the “Caring House”

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Sunday, September 11

Sunday School Songs were shared
during the Worship Service

bringing back childhood memories!
Youth read scripture lessons and prayers
and sang songs learned at Vacation Bible School

After the service, red, white & blue balloons
were released with special messages attached.
Special make-your-own treats were served afterward.

Another spectacular kick-off
to an amazing journey as we discover

"Growing Together as Growing Christians"
Sunday School for ALL ages
every Sunday at 10:00 am
(more details below)


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A great time was had by everyone who attended the
2011 Bethany Golf Outing on Sunday, August 28
at Oak Crest Golf Course.
Seven teams played a shotgun nine hole scramble
while non-golfers played board games in the club house.
Everyone shared a dish at the Potluck Dinner following!
Pure fun and fellowship on a beautiful sunny afternoon!
Winners coming in at seven under were . . .
Al and Mary VanHaute with Tony Dzik and Neil Borga

invite you to see all the great pictures 
and the fun that was had by all!

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had a great time exploring the


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Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp
Oak Cabin Clean Up
Saturday, June 11, 2011


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Bethany honors and sincerely appreciates
Diane Gendron
Thank You for your dedicated leadership, time and service
in devotion to the Confirmation Class this past year!

May God Bless You!

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What a great and glorious day it was!
Sunday, June 26
Bishop Thomas Skrenes blessed Dave Johnson
with the Rites of Ordination

Click the PDF to view the Ordination Bulletin

May God bless your calling Pastor Dave
and know how much you mean to your Bethany Family

Click to view Slideshow
of this beautiful Worship Service and Reception

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Pastor Tom Wickstrom with Diane Gendron, Confirmation Leader (center)
along with family and friends,
joyously celebrated the Affirmation of Baptism of Confirmands (from left)
Grant Moll, Jordan Mauro, Myah Anderson, Christina Anderson, Jeremy Bjorkman, and James West

Myah Anderson, Christina Anderson, Jeremy Bjorkman, Jordan Mauro, Grant Moll, James West
are pictured here from the left
with Confirmation Class Leader, Diane Gendron in the center

Christina Anderson Family

Myah Anderson Family

Jeremy Bjorkman Family

Jordan Mauro Family

Grant Moll Family

James West Family

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Bethany wishes Jacob Anderson

a great future and God's Many Special Blessings!

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 Logan Carnahan, son of Casey and Nancy Carnahan  (5-21-11)

Damian DeBernardi, son of Brian and Tasha DeBernardi (5-22-11)

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has announced her resignation as Assistant to the Bishop

of the Northern Great Lakes Synod

Effective September 30, 2011

The Synod will announce plans soon to recognize

Pastor Jen’s nearly 12 years of ministry on the Synod staff


Bethany Lutheran would like to extend a very sincere thanks

for all of the years of service

to our Synod and especially to our congregation,

for your committed love and support when we needed you most

and now overseeing Bethany’s future as an ELCA congregation.

We wish Pr Jen and husband Marv,

God’s special blessings for the years to come.

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Sunday, April 24


was celebrated
with two

Holy Communion

Worship Services,
with the blessing
of the light of the Paschal Candle,
Choir Anthems, and
Joyous Hymns of Praise!

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April 21

As Jesus commanded
"to love one another" we too, shared our love.

As Jesus did,
we too, washed the feet of our brothers and sisters

As Jesus broke bread and supped wine
at his final supper,
we too, broke bread and shared wine
in Holy Communion with each other
at our Lord's Banquet Table

In the final moments as Psalm 22 was chanted,
the altar was stripped and everything removed
so all that remains is Christ's light at the cross

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Sunday, April 17
began with children waving palms
as the Bethany Choir sang
"Glory To God, Hosanna In The Highest"
the distribution of the
Palm Cross Keepsakes

What made the day even more special?
Jeffrey Van Holla, John Mattia and Alex Heigl
their First Communion
Pr Dave Johnson,
their families
and their Bethany family

May God Bless these three fine boys
as they continue their faith journey!

Jeffery Van Holla Family

John Mattia Family

Alex Heigl Family


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We reverently remember  .  .  .  .  .

The world will not be the same without you,
our dear friend!

Our deepest and most sincere sympathies
to Kaaren, the family and friends of Pastor Earnie.

We will not forget your diligence and dedicated service
as Bethany's Interim Pastor in
all of 2008,
"a crucial time in the history of our vision in building a new facility."
We were blessed to have you there for us as a wonderful minister and caring friend.

This picture was taken on Transfiguration Sunday, March 6, 2011
the last Sunday that Pr Earnie presided at Bethany.
We shared one of Earnie's favorite joys before the Lenten Season . . .
the burial of the "Alleluia's"

This Easter, we will celebrate
the resurrection of a special "Alleluia" in your memory Earnie,
as you now have departed from us
and are honorably lifted up to your Lord .

Scroll down this page for more pictures of
Pr Earnie sharing in the "burial of the Alleluia's"
on Transfiguration Sunday

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Sunday Worship on March 27th, included the

Ray Anderson, Duane Manier, Bruce Hawkinson
at Bethany Lutheran Church

Bethany Council, Crossroads Board, Christian Education and Youth Committee,
Evangelism and Social Committee, Finance and Stewardship Committee,
Worship Ministry Team, Constitution Review Committee,
Eucharistic Ministry Team,
Sunday School and Confirmation Leaders,
Bethany Ladies Guild, Altar Guild, Cover Girls, Bible Study Leaders,
Sunshine Team, Transportation Team, Coffee Social Ministry, Social Events Coordinators,
Fortune Lake Ash Cabin Maintenance Crew,
Synod Delegates, Food Pantry,
Sports Coordinators, Nursery Assistants,
Greeters and Ushers, Lectors,
Prayer Assistants, Communion Assistants,
Acolyte Assistants,
Altar Flower Ministry,
Music Ministers, Choir, Adopt-A-Room Assistants, Communications Team,
Maintenance Crew,
Snow Plowers and Shovelers, Grounds Keepers,
Church Office Staff and Helpers, Offering Counters, Website Administrators, Newsletter Staff

Thank you for sharing your time and talents, and being "ministers"
to each other, those in our community and beyond.
May God Bless You as you continue to serve Bethany and
allow Him to guide you forward, outward and upward!

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Sunday, March 20

Bethany Lutheran Church celebrated the

Bill and Barb Rice
Angela Koprowski
Harlan and Orice Walters

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If you missed the opportunity to join us at our Lent Midweek Services,
Come now and prepare for Jesus' walk through that lonesome valley
by seeing the pictures and reading the testimonies, special moments and the bulletin for each week

Every Wednesday evening throughout Lent was shared by

Host:  Bethany Lutheran Church, Norway
Calvary Lutheran Church, Quinnesec

Each evening began with
5:30 Soup Supper
6:30 Lent Service

that included the testimonies of five
and five keepsakes in remembrance of our 2011 Lent Journey

Wednesday, March 16

Bulletin - Click PDF

Testimony of the Tanner
(Dave Johnson)

who created the scourging whip that was used in the flogging of Jesus

Scripture Lesson ~ Read by clicking on the Gospel of John 18:28-40 and 19:1

Keepsake Item for this week to keep in Lenten Pouch:  lace of leather

 This Little Lace Of Leather

Jeffery R. Ingold

This little lace of leather I hold here in my hand,

reminds me of the agony our Lord did withstand.

 It reminds me of the whip by which stripes he did bear,

for my brokenness and sin though I wasn't even there.

I am reminded that his wounds are reaching into my soul,

where they heal me and cleanse me so once more I can be whole.

 His humble blood, I am reminded, at the flogging was spilled

for our lives . . . so empty . . .  are needing to be filled . . .

 . . . by a love so unswerving through pain and in death.

of the hope in believing in Jesus I'll find rest.

Of the joy in knowing that a Savior did come,

is coming, will come, to restore us as one . . .

 . . . with God our creator.

 So, this little lace of leather I hold here in my hand,

reminds me of Christ loves, like none other can.

Song of the Testimony of the Tanner

(tune: Were You There?)

Were you there when they flogged and scourged my Lord

Were you there when they flogged and scourged my Lord

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they flogged and scourged my Lord

To view and read the "Testimony of the Tanner", click on PDF


Wednesday, March 23

Bulletin - Click PDF

Testimony of the Basket Weaver
(Gail Galotta)

who crafted the crown of thorns that was thrust on Jesus head

Scripture Lesson ~ Read by clicking on the Gospel of Matthew 27:27-31

Keepsake Item for this week to keep in Lenten Pouch:  thorn

Thorns So Sharp And Angry

Jeffery R. Ingold

In my hand I hold a branch, its thorns so sharp and angry.

Of such a branch a crown was made to add to Jesus' agony.

 In a garden he was arrested, a cup he didn't choose,

and then they scourged and scoffed at him

and called him "King of the Jews"!

They placed the crown upon him, thrust down onto his head,

then stood to laugh and spit on him as blood flowed freely red.

Then dressed him in a garment, a scarlet robe for royalty,

they placed a scepter in his hand, a reed, then bent their knee.

They taunted him as King, treating him like a fake,

but there he stood, the Son of God, whose life they soon would take.

Our Lord's humiliation began that awful day.

The Lord of love and kindness was put on mock display.

 Yet he never abandoned love for those who pierced his brow

and though our thorns of hate and sin pierce him even now.

Our Lord even now continues to claim us with his strife

purchased with his pain and death in him we have our life.

And so this branch of thorns, as sharp as they may be,

reminds me of the unswerving love Christ Jesus has for me.

Song of the Testimony of the Basket Weaver

(tune: Were You There?)

Were you there when they crowned my Lord with thorns

Were you there when they crowned my Lord with thorns

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they crowned my Lord with thorns

To view and read the "Testimony of the Basket Weaver", click on PDF

Wednesday, March 30

Bulletin - Click PDF

Testimony of the Carpenter
(John Wilkinson)

who made the instrument of torture and death on which Jesus hung - the cross

Scripture Lesson ~ Read by clicking on the Gospel of Mark 15:21-32

Keepsake Item for this week to keep in Lenten Pouch:  wood cross

This Cross

Jeffery R. Ingold


This cross I hold reminds me on one such Jesus sighed -

for three long hours one Friday he gasped for breath, then died.

This cross I hold reminds me of the sorrow and grief he bore

for all our earthly failures which death could claim us for.

 This cross I hold reminds me  of God's love's uncompromised

by our grave lack of judgment in the ways we live our lives.

 This cross I hold reminds me that we're freed now from our sin

for by Christ's crucifixion our hope's restored in him.

This cross I hold reminds me of the hope we now possess

that when this life is over we will rest as heaven's guest.

 This cross I hold reminds me of all struggles we now can bear

for with Jesus as our strength we know we will get there.

 This cross I hold reminds me of the way we must concede

as Christ's love grows inside us we shall reach toward others' need.

 This cross I hold reminds me there's a lot of work to be done

in this old world which is hurting for the peace and hope of One.


This cross I hold reminds me of the promise we will exchange

with people whom we encounter for by love our lives are changed.

This cross I hold reminds me there is nothing that can tear us apart

not disease, nor hate, nor evil from the Passion of Christ -God' s heart.

 For I am convinced that nothing can separate

us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Romans 8:38-39)


Song of the Testimony of the Carpenter

(tune: Were You There?)

Were you there when they crucified my Lord

Were you there when they crucified my Lord

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they crucified my Lord

To view and read the "Testimony of the Carpenter", click on PDF

Wednesday, April 6

Bulletin - Click PDF

Testimony of the Blacksmith
(Fred Jump)

who forged the nails that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus that hung him to the cross

Scripture Lesson ~ Read by clicking on the Gospel of John 19:28-37

Keepsake Item for this week to keep in Lenten Pouch:  forged nail

They Pounded The Nails With A Hammer

Jeffery R. Ingold


They pounded the nails with a hammer sunken deeply in hands and feet.

They pounded the nails with a hammer and hanged him up in defeat.

They pounded the nails with a hammer, piercing him - making him bleed.

They pounded the nails with a hammer, fulfilling this dastardly deed.

They pounded the nails with a hammer, a force-driven clang in the air.

They pounded the nails with a hammer as a chill caught everyone there.

They pounded the nails with a hammer and propped him up high on the hill.

They pounded the nails with a hammer; the whole earth seemed to stand still.

They pounded the nails with a hammer, then placed on the right and the left.

They pounded the nails with a hammer - two criminals guilty of theft.

They pounded the nails with a hammer and watched as he struggled to breathe.

They pounded the nails with a hammer as the women below him grieved.

They pounded the nails with a hammer and hanging there three hours that day.

They pounded the nails with a hammer - he eventually died that way.

They pounded the nails with a hammer but before his spirit left him -

They pounded the nails with a hammer - he called out to God,

"Forgive them ...for they know not what they are doing.”


 Song of the Testimony of the Blacksmith

(tune: Were You There?)

Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree

Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree

To view and read the "Testimony of the Blacksmith", click on PDF
Wednesday, April 13

Bulletin - Click PDF

Testimony of the Stone Mason
(Bill Rice)

who chiseled out the tomb where Jesus body was laid

Scripture Lesson ~ Read by clicking on the Gospel of Matthew 27:57-66

Keepsake Item for this week to keep in Lenten Pouch:  stone

A Stone So Mighty

Jeffery R. Ingold


A stone so mighty was hewn to seal our Lord up in a tomb

taken down off the cross and wrapped in linen his body lay in death 's womb.

 A stone so mighty was placed and they made it secure in haste

for the day was near over, the Sabbath begun of time there was little to waste.

 A stone so mighty was made making certain his body stayed

for before his life ended he told them he'd rise to walk back out of his grave.

 A stone so mighty was cut and rolled to shut life out.

Then soldiers were summoned to guard the tomb his power they did not doubt.

 A stone so mighty was not able to do what they thought.

It couldn't defeat the love of our Lord whom Death, in our place, for us fought.

 A stone so mighty was rolled a time in history so bold.

They found the tomb empty, the stone rolled away the third day—so the story is told.

 A stone so mighty was found with an angel who wore a white gown

saying, "Women, fear not, for the Lord has been raised. Now go tell his brothers in town."

 A stone so mighty was given to display the power of heaven

that death has no sting, we will live again in our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection.

 For if we have been united with him in a death like his,

we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

(Romans 6:5)

Song of the Testimony of the Stone Mason

(tune: Were You There?)

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb

To view and read the "Testimony of the Stone Mason", click on PDF

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Bethany Lutheran Church
and Grace United with other area Methodist Church's
gathered to share in food, fellowship and worship
despite the all day snow fall.

The service began with the Bethany Ministry Choir and Anna Anderson (12 years old),
soloing the first verse, setting the tone,
calling everyone to worship, affirming that . . .
"Where two or more are gathered, Jesus is there . . ."
In This Very Room

Scripture and Song continued to prepare hearts for worship.

Reverend Kyochul Shin,
(Riverside United Methodist Church, Niagara and Goodman United Protestant)
shared his testimonial of his disturbing experience of darkness,
when he was at the time in his life that he thought he was so good in his faith
but could not understand why there was so much agony in his life.
Deciding to question God, and experiencing near death, he finally gave it all up,
discovering the newness of being born again in God's wholeness.
God revealed to him, his true nature,
to then become someone who now walks in the real light of Christ.

That evening, we shared in a meal of many varieties of soups and sandwiches for supper,
but for worship we united, gathering as brothers and sisters in Christ
to share in the meal our Lord gave us
~ His body and blood shed for us in remembrance of Him ~
followed by the Imposition of Ashes,
 as "ministers" to each other, we signed of the cross on each others forehead with ashes
"remembering that as ashes we began and as ashes we will return"

The Lord has truly blessed us all in the unity of His Holy Spirit!

Christine Sine

God may we remember

All of life is held together with nails

Piercing flesh of the son of man

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember

The power of sin and death are forever ended

Hung upon a cross and crucified

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember

The bread of life broken for us

That we may eat and be filled with abundance of life

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember

God’s blood poured out for us

The deep wounds of love suffered for us

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember ashes on foreheads

And kneel before the one whose love knows no end

With humbled hearts and repentant spirits

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember we are but dust

And walk together into tomorrow’s unknowns

Breaking bars, building bridges, setting captives free

May we remember and give thanks

God may we remember and give thanks

Let us take up our cross and follow

Believing that in Christ all things work together for good

May we remember and give thanks

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served by the Confirmation Class, Leaders and Parents

was a wonderful time of fellowship
with all-you-can-eat pancakes, special toppings, eggs, and sausage.
Ice Cream Sundae Bar was served for dessert!

Thank you for your very generous donations that will benefit
Bethany Youth Programs and Fortune Lake Camp Scholarships

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 that adorned the walls on March 6th

were taken down and placed in a basket to be hidden from view
and to not be sung or spoken throughout all of the Lent Season.

Former Interim Pastor Earnie Ness and Anna Anderson,
gave the final blessing - saying goodbye to the

On Easter Sunday morning, the
will be a revealed and gloriously sung and spoken once again
in PRAISE and THANKSGIVING of our risen Lord!

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Pastor Dave Johnson
blessed each
of the
2011 Bethany Council Members
at Sunday Worship Services on
February 20 and 27

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Bethany Lutheran Ministry Choir

Sopranos: Lori Manier, Lisa Anderson, Myah Anderson, Leslie Randall, Sue Moll, Anna Anderson
Altos: Gerry Nickels, Sue Raiche, Dorothy Temple, Orice Walters
Tenors:  Sally Borga, Peggy Gattra, Harlan Walters
Basses: Larry Raiche, Ray Anderson
Director: Lori Dzik


If you have been thinking of joining us and sharing in this great ministry
try it out on Thursday Evenings at 6:00 pm in the choir room.
There are still open seats in all vocal sections!!!

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2011 Bethany Lutheran Church Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 30
began with an awesome potluck at noon.
With quorum present, Bethany conducted business
approving the minutes of the last annual meeting
and a special congregational meeting last June.
The financial secretary and treasurers reports
along with the 2011 budget were all approved.
Pastor Mike Laakko, Interim, addressed the assembly,
commending Bethany for their leadership, service,
and focus toward building on their vision and mission
despite the challenges in 2010.
Diane Gendron, Duane Manier, Charlie Modlin, Dan Gyselinck,
Lisa Anderson, Ray Anderson,Lori Dzik and Mike Randall
were all unanimously elected to serve on the church council,
joining present members
John Weaver, Dorothy Temple and Peter Kivisaari.
It is with great joy and thanksgiving
that Bethany is moving forward in peace and love,
as a church united with God's Blessing!

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Sunday, January 9
"The Baptism of Our Lord"
was celebrated, with the
"Reaffirmation of Our Baptism"
as we recognized our new Bethany family member

Dan Gyselinck
pictured on the left with Pastor Dave Johnson

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January 2, 2011
the final Sunday of Christmas ~ the first Sunday of the New Year
was quite special for everyone at the 9 am Worship Service!

The accapella group and vocal students of Lori Dzik
reunited to sing their signature Benediction Song,
"The Lord Bless You and Keep You"
with Pastor Dave Johnson offering the Benediction Blessing

"Musiac" members pictured from the left are
Zoe Kanters, Brian Groeneveld, Tony Dzik, Ashley Tomasi, and Elleda Groeneveld

Others who participated in making the first service of the year, a blessing
and who shared several special piano and vocal selections
reflective of the final Sunday of Christmas
were . . .

Pianists - Britta Paulson, Christina Anderson
Vocalists - Jason Raiche, Tony Dzik, Brian Greenleaf,
Elleda Groeneveld, Ashley Tomasi, Zoe Kanters,
Catherine Pollard, Christina Pollard, Lexi Negro

Pictured above is Britta Paulson

who served as pianist at Bethany
for Saturday evening services
before leaving for college in the fall of 2009

"Trebella Voce"
is pictured below from top
Catherine Pollard, Christina Pollard, and Lexi Negro
who just recently recorded their first CD
that includes the two songs shared
during this special Sunday Service
"In The Bleak Midwinter" and "Cradle Hymn"

Thank you all for sharing the beautiful gifts
the Lord has given you!

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As difficult as this past 2010 year has been,

we can honestly be thankful for so many wonderful gifts
that have been received and friendships strengthened through faith,
that words alone will never express the love and gratitude
for all who have served in so many beautiful ways

We especially want to thank . . .

  • All those who have ministered to "Bethany Renewed" the last 6 months ~  Pr Mike Laakko, Pr Leon Lindquist, Pr Jim Britt, Pr Jennie Johnson-Wrege, Dave Hendrickson, Pr Earnie Ness, Pr John Voelker, and a very special thank you to Pr Dave Johnson, who has been specially sent from above to help minister and bring healing to our family
  • Our friends at Grace United Methodist Church who were so understanding, patient, and willing to build new friendships to work together in our vision and mission for God
  • The Bethany “team”, who diligently kept the family together through the tough times
  • To all those who came together to help coordinate, reestablish and to continue to serve on Crossroad’s Alliance, Bethany Council, Worship Ministry Team, Bethany Ladies Guild, Men and Ladies Bible Study Groups, Sunshine Team, Sunday School and Confirmation
  •  To the Bethany Music Ministry Choir ~ those who brought their voices together to lead worship in song, and those who joined us for the Norway Ecumenical Advent Concert
  • To those who have put in endless hours working on worship liturgies, bulletins, newsletters, website, and other administrative duties
  • To those who have made Coffee Social Time between services such a treat and a joy
  • To Sue Raiche for her time, sewing talents, and creating all new paraments and banners
  • To Dave and Julie VanHolla for donating the office copier
  • To everyone who maintains, cleans and beautifies the church property
  • To everyone who has served as greeters, ushers, lectors, acolyte, prayer assistants, communion assistants, musicians, nursery assistant and providing children’s messages
  • To all those who have graciously given to the general and mortgage funds; and those who have quietly purchased or donated items for the church and its functions
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Friday, December 24 at 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm
Bethany Lutheran (Pr Dave Johnson)
Grace United Methodist (Pr Jim Britt)
along with family and friends,
shared in the celebration of the birth of a baby, our "Savior and Lord"
through scripture readings, songs of Christmas,
Holy Communion, and the traditional lighting of candles
as everyone sang "Silent Night"!

7:00 pm "Live Nativity" Service
Over 180 people gathered together
to witness children of all ages
reenacting the celebration of our Savior's birth through the

scripture readings of Luke Chapter 2 and Matthew Chapter 3
Several children shared their talents in celebration
through instrumental and vocal Christmas songs.
Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus were represented
by Matt, Kimberly and baby Dartagnan Mollick.

9:00 pm "Traditional Christmas Eve Service"
Many gathered to share in a beautiful evening
in joyful celebration of the birth of Christ

through singing of Christmas Carols and Scripture Readings.
Special music included choir anthems
and instrumental and vocal solos.

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Sunday, December 19
The Bethany Lutheran Family
received as their newest baptized member

Dartagnan Joseph Mollick

September 8, 2010

December 19, 2010

Baptized into the Family of God by
Rev. Jennifer Johnson-Wrege
former minister of Bethany Lutheran Church
and presently Assistant to the Bishop, NGLS


Matt and Kimberly (Borga) Mollick

Baptismal Sponsors
Katie Borga (Aunt)
Gary and Heidi McGeough (Cousins)

Bill and Sally Borga
Rick and Joyce Mollick

Great Grandparents
Harlan and Orice Walters
Helen Niemic
Bernice Johnston

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Rev. John Voelker
a dear friend and former minister of Bethany Lutheran Church,
visited Norway during the first week of December
preside at Bethany for their
Second Sunday of Advent Worship Service on December 5th.

Pastor John's special visit included attending
the Advent program, "Prepare Him Room",
the Norway Ecumenical Advent Concert
and Advent Midweek Service.
He even had the opportunity to share in fellowship
with the men at the Bethany Men's Bible Study and breakfast
before returning home to
Trinity Lutheran Church in Thief River Fall, MN.

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lead by Pastor Dave Johnson

6:30 pm Wednesday, December 1

The first midweek service brought to life "the tree"
realizing it as a symbol that brought death and brings life. 
Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
which brought sin into the world and death. 
In this Advent season we await in anticipation
for the coming of Jesus into the world,
who will be nailed to a tree to bear the punishment of our sin for us -
the one who will "wrap our injured flesh around him,
rob our sin, and make us holy." 
The branches on the Christmas Tree point upward
as a symbol of turning our hearts toward heaven;
towards God in thankfulness for the gift of Jesus.

6:30 pm Wednesday, December 8
The second midweek service explained that the lights on the tree
represent how Jesus has entered into our life through the Holy Spirit. 
The Holy Spirit shines its light in the darkness
 and brings light to our sin so we can see it. 
When it enters in, it cleanses us and makes us Holy before God. 
The light also represents that Jesus is the light of the world. 
The star at the top of the tree represents the star
that guided the wise men to Jesus.

6:30 pm Wednesday, December 15
At the third midweek service,
we discovered that the ornaments on the tree
represent the "waiting" for Jesus to come again. 
With the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are called to decorate the world
by loving God with all our hear, soul, mind, and strength,
being good stewards of creation and showing love to our neighbors. 
We are given the task to decorate this broken world with God's love. 

6:30 pm on Wednesday, December 22
The fourth and final midweek service prepared hearts
for the "coming" of our Savior with
lead by Pastor Dave Johnson
"The Healing" Service helped in preparing the celebration of
Jesus' coming into the world, with the healing that he gave;
Christ came to us bringing the healing that only He could give.

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Norway Ecumenical Advent Concert

Norway area churches:
Bethany Lutheran, Grace United Methodist, Community Bible Chapel,
St. Mary's and St. Barbara's Catholic Churches
shared choir anthems, vocal solos and ensembles,
mime, and special readings
for this years special annual community event
 on Sunday, December 5 at the Norway Fine Arts Center
The free-will offering that was taken is designated for the
"2011 Up North TeenServe Mission"
that will benefit our local community

The joint Bethany and Grace United Methodist Choir
shared two anthems to bring the message of
the birth of a Savior in Bethlehem
"Carol of the Star" and "Gather 'Round"

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6:00 pm Friday, December 3
Many relaxed for a candle-lit, intimate evening with
Pastor Jennie Johnson-Wrege and Lori Dzik

as they shared special moments that began to prepare hearts
for the true meaning of Christ's coming,
through reflective recitations and piano silhouettes of the season. 

Appetizers and beverages were served and 
the free-will donation taken to benefit special mission. 

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Anna Anderson, daughter of Ray and Andrea Anderson
is pictured here after the blessing of
Sunday School hand-crafted Advent Wreaths
the first Sunday of Advent Worship Service on November 28th

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We celebrated the lives of those who have passed before us on
All Saints Sunday, November 7 at 9:00 am

Pastor Dave Johnson lead a "Service of Remembrance"
of the Bethany Lutheran members who passed away this past year
and lit candles remembering all loved ones
with special music "Pie Jesu"
sung by Catherine and Christina Pollard

We continue to honor with remembrance . . .

Kermit Rasmussen
March 17, 1914 - February 14, 2010

Robert Erickson
January 23, 1926 - July 17, 2010

Ed Bouchey
April 29, 1920 - July 29, 2010

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The 9:00 am Holy Communion Worship Service last Sunday, October 31
was a special "Service of Renewal" led by Pastor Dave Johnson
with a beautiful Reformation Exhortation and Litany

The Bethany Choir lead the congregation in song
and shared their signature anthem, "We Are A Church"

A unique display of pictures and books was provided by Gerry Nickels
that included pictures from her trip to Wittenberg, Germany
of the actual door at Castle Church where Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis
and the death mask of Martin Luther and the cast of his hands

What a wonderful morning service of renewal!