Joyfully we profess our faith through God's unconditional love. Here and now God dwells in all our lives, bears our sins on the cross, and forgives us all. SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 9 A.M. ONLINE AND INDOORS SEE LINK ABOVE RIGHT. LIVESTREAMING AT 9, THEN AVAILABLE AFTER THE WORSHIP HOUR ON FACEBOOK. Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church worships in-person and online on Sundays at 9 a.m. If you plan to worship in-person, please observe the following protocols adopted by your congregational council to help ensure the health and safety of those who are gathering together:
- Pick up your communion kit and/or bulletin as you enter the Great Room, where an offering plate will also be placed. - If you are not feeling well or have a fever, please stay at home as a precaution.
Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated. The service is also live streamed on Facebook: After the Sunday worship hour, the service may be viewed anytime on Facebook.
Bethany Lutheran Church is in affiliation with the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Phone: 906-563-8472 (if necessary, please leave a message) located at 130 O'Dill Drive ~ Norway, Michigan turn right off HWY US2 at the Norway Jake Menghini Museum near the west train overpass for map click here ![]() ![]() Rev. Dave Johnson and the Bethany family invite you to come experience the joy and peace of Christ's love and grace! ![]() SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Worship with us at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings online or indoors. Our traditional Lutheran Liturgical Holy Communion Worship is expressed in a fresh, joyous and spiritual way sharing the Word of Our Lord through scripture, prayer, song, a children's message, a special message for everyone to apply to daily living, and the grace of the Lord's Sacrament of Holy Communion Worship Services are prepared and assisted by the dedicated members of the Worship and Music Team, Altar Guild/Acolyte Assistants, Lectors, Prayer Assistants, Communion Assistants, Ushers, and Musicians including the Bethany Choir (the special shared ministry efforts of many) Click here to see Worship Service Bulletins Please contact the church office
906-563-8472 (leave a message if necessary) if you are in need of a Blessing or Holy Communion or in need of transportation to worship with us "> BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH is dedicated to . . . (click links to learn more) MISSION ![]() CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ![]() |